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Swedish Winner is show where we  have not participated so far. As on the way back from Italy you have a choice between endless car drive or visiting friends and a show and taking ship back home, we took the latter option this time. Results are better than expected:

Miniature longs
Tom aka Iiah's Duke Dapple - EX2 CQ in working class = Swedish Champion

Kaninchen longs
Lala aka Iiah's Mymla - EX1 CQ, JW2018, BB1, NORD CAC, W2018 BOS
Mia aka Oliviera Mia Oops Fantazija - EX1 CQ VETW2018, CAC, BB2 = Swedish Champion

Thank you judge Iren Naarits! Thank you Inga Eik-Olsson for handling help! Thank you Per ja Eva for yet another warm welcome and support!